We have prepared health benefits of bee products fact sheets for the following conditions: Joint problems, rheumatism Menopausal symptoms, hormonal balance Bowel and digestive problems Yeast infections Antioxidant Hormonal balance Natural antibiotics Liver problems Focus and memory problems Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Prostate problems Helicobacter Candidiasis For a breastfeeding mother Papillomavirus Inflammatory conditions in the body […]
On 9 May, the Postimees newspaper published an article introducing the possibilities of irrigating our bee products for various health problems. This article looks at how our honey, suir, beeswax and other bee products can help with a range of health problems, from boosting the immune system to alleviating liver problems. Read the full article […]
Perga was used as a medicine and rejuvenating preparation in ancient Chinese and ancient Egyptian cultures, and was also used for healing by Hippocrates. Perga can be considered as a concentrated form of pollen, which: helps restore liver functions, is an effective treatment for anaemia, activates pancreatic insulin production reduces blood clotting, strengthens capillaries lowers […]
Propolis heals wounds, prevents the development of several pathogens, relieves pain, is anti-allergic and has antitoxic and tissue regenerating properties. In folk medicine, propolis is used primarily for its antibacterial properties to relieve ailments of the nose, throat, ears, respiratory tract, prostate gland and others, as well as for anesthesia and disinfection. Propolis prevents the development […]
Women’s life stages are based on their reproductive cycle. This cycle begins with menstruation and ends with menopause. Ageing is a natural phenomenon that affects all people and is linked to a general decline in the body’s function. In women, ageing is linked to and starts with menopause. There is also a higher risk of […]
The allergy season that begins in February and lasts until August means uncomfortable symptoms for many people such as watery and itchy eyes, sneezing, stomachings, headaches and even breathing difficulties. In Estonia, however, the season begins in March and the most common allergens are the flowers of the early flowering trees (alder, hazel, birch) , grass […]
. Who wouldn’t have heard of healing qualities of honey. It would be good to repeat a few things before the colder weather and the long autumn darkness so that you can be better prepared to come to winter: In case of Insomnia helps with regular use of honey, as it keeps energy resources in order and supports […]