As many customers have repeatedly asked us for one of the most prized blends of Estonian folk medicine, Honey with perga, pollen and propolis is now available in our e-shop at the request of our customers.

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The best deterrent to fatigue but not only 

Containing all the main bee products, its combined action is truly powerful.


What is it made of?

All the good things bees harvest


Just at the right interval to have a good effect but not overdoing it. Honey is the most abundant, propolis the least, because tarragon is a very intense substance and must be consumed sensibly. Ingredients:

Honey with perga, pollen and propolis


The honey is 85% by volume.


Pollen 12% by volume


Suira is 2.5% by volume


Hogweed is 0.5% by volume

What is honey with perga, pollen and propolis good for?

Containing all the main bee products, the effect is really powerful. 
propolis and pollen, which are difficult to absorb on their own, can contribute their best properties as ingredients in a blend. 

Against general fatigue

General tonic effect on the organism, immune system support.

Circulation aids

Helps restore cardiac muscle strength, improves vein tone and capillary circulation, Reduces blood cholesterol levels.


Increases appetite, Increases mental and physical performance, Restores hormonal balance, Relieves depression.

For liver problems

Promotes liver cell function

For prostate problems

Prevents prostate enlargement. For supportive treatment and prophylaxis of prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis, men are advised to take MÕTS daily. 

Honey with perga, pollen and propolis

Also known as natural Viagra

Pollen and perga are known natural potency enhancers

Therapeutic information

We don't offer you a medical cure, for specific conditions please consult your family doctor.

Rather to be taken in the mornings, as it raises energy levels significantly, hypersensitive (allergic) people should not take it.

The effect is quite immediate

After 2-3 days of use, energy levels are already up. 2-3 teaspoons per day is recommended.

BUY THE Honey with perga, pollen and propolis at a discount HERE

The sword has given a lot of energy, fatigue reduced after just one can. The ointment of propolis took the cold sore away.❤️

Aivi***@gmail.com / Facebook

Hi! Thank you! Honey has very good taste. I also like Sword! I have a health problem... I've been eating 2 spoonfuls of Honey with perga, pollen and propolis every day so far, he's helping me out here too! Thanks! ❤️

Sirje***@gmail.com / Facebook

Honey is good, and Sword seems to help with spring fatigue.


Very easy and quick to order and the products are delicious,especially the "Sword".Thank you.


I cleared my lungs and got rid of my cough. Using "Sword" & "Tincture of Tar Resin"

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